Charterseries is a technology-enabled eco-system for career planning & development for students.
Charterseries offers a unique way of career guidance, counseling & mentoring and is not limited to psychometric assessments, career counseling, and guidance, interactive career-focused activities and career progression or tracking mechanisms, etc., as may be provided from time to time for help and guidance of user’s.
By entering into the present agreement, you accept that you are using the services rendered by Charterseries at your sole discretion without any undue influence of Charterseries and at your sole responsibility (under the supervision of the guardian in case of minors).
You further agree to ensure that you will avail of our services with due care and due diligence and as per the terms & conditions mentioned on the website and the respective service you are availing.
Before you submit a booking for an online or offline program, please read these conditions. By accepting these Conditions as part of the booking process, you are indicating your agreement to enter into an agreement with Charterseries, Mumbai, India.
Please review all of the information you submit in respect of your registration before you make a booking request. By submitting a registration, you confirm that all of the information you submit is accurate, true, and complete.
After successful registration and booking, you will be asked to pay a fee, which is non-refundable. (Unless otherwise stated)
By submitting your payment you are offering to enter into an agreement for participation in an online program with Charterseries. An auto-email confirmation will be triggered confirming that we have received your payment.
However, we reserve the right to reject any booking request we receive and an agreement will only be formed when we mail express confirmation of a booking to you by a subsequent e-mail or other written communication.
Bookings may be delayed if full details are not provided when booking Online Program.
Any typographical, clerical, or other similar accidental error or omission made by us in respect of your booking shall be subject to correction without any liability on our part.
Refunds and Cancellations
In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 you may (if you are a consumer for the purposes of those Regulations) have the right to cancel your agreement with us in respect of the online program. This right of cancellation lasts for a period of seven calendar days from the day we send you confirmation of the program and provided we have not sent you online access of the program or have not sent the program materials at your address.
Online programs are subject to cancellation or re-scheduling at our discretion.
If the Online program is cancelled, we will credit any fees paid by you as soon as possible.
If the time, date and details of an online program are changed subsequent to your booking, you will be notified and given the option to cancel your booking. We shall not be liable for any additional loss or damage resulting from such cancellation or changes. If for any reason you wish to subsequently cancel your participation on the program after your part or full fees (i.e. deposit plus balance) have been paid, Charterseries cannot provide any refund except for exceptional circumstances. The Program organizer’s decision is final. In any case, the deposit is non-refundable.
The Program fee must be paid via credit card/bank wire/Paytm/gpay/UPI. Cash payments can be made with prior approval through Please contact the Program organizer in advance if you wish to make an alternative payment arrangement.
Charterseries shall charge the fee for the services provided as per the structure provided on the website. By using the services which are subject to payment, as mentioned therein, you accept to pay for the same before using the services.
You further undertake not to raise any dispute for the fee charged for the services in any manner whatsoever as you have agreed to the same out of free will and without any undue influence.
You further undertake that you have read the Terms & Conditions of the Payment that are prompted when you move towards payment of the paid services and have accepted the same before making the payment.
Charterseries uses third-party payment providers to receive payments from users. Charterseries is not responsible for delays or erroneous transaction execution or cancellation of orders due to payment issues. Charterseries takes utmost care to work with 3rd party payment providers, but does not control their systems, processes, technology, and workflows, hence cannot be held responsible for any fault at the end of payment providers.
The fee to be charged by Charterseries from users shall be decided solely by Charterseries and the user/s shall have no right/say to interfere in the same.
The Program fee is based on your satisfaction with completing all the program assessments, including assignments. If for any reason you do not complete these satisfactorily within the period and it is agreed that an extension of time or further grace period is possible later, you will be liable for additional charges to cover additional staff time. If you withdraw from the moderation of your current program and wish to enter moderation on a later program, an additional moderation fee must be paid.
You agree to bear all applicable taxes, charges cess, etc. levied on the services being rendered to you as notified by the Central/State Govt. from time to time unless already included in the price offered.
Charterseries renders services including but not limited to counseling, assessment tests, etc, which act as a bonafide guide to the user, and the services are rendered as soon as availed, therefore there is no provision for refund of the fee paid by the User/s. The user/s is therefore deemed to have understood and accepted that once the fee is paid to Charterseries as per the services availed, there shall be no refund of the said Fee.
Please email if you have any queries.